You can't "hack" fat loss when you're a midlife female going through the menopause transition.
Midlife, perimenopausal fat loss isn't easy. It's a puzzle that must be meticulously solved.
If you’re ready to *figure it out* once and for all, let’s do it together.
I’ve created a midlife weight loss solution that has helped over 2000 women, ages 35-55 “figure out” permanent, sustainable, easy weight loss that doesn’t suck.
In this episode, I'm going to to give you three of the many novel midlife weight loss concepts I guide my clients through.
Because it ain’t just a question of calories and cardio.
Stop spinning your wheels, jumping from diet to diet/supplement to supplement. It hasn’t worked and it will continue to NOT work.
You are wasting your precious time. You have some of the best decades of your life in front of you. Don’t spend them in the thick of body and diet misery.
Here are three things to contemplate when approaching the puzzle of midlife weight loss.
Take this on as a project — like a bathroom remodel. Not like an everyday annoyance — like laundry.
Delete your frustrated state of mind, and transition the project of midlife weight loss to the "project management" lobe of your brain. You and I both know that you are the kind of person who gets stuff done. Use these natural traits of curiosity, being solutions-oriented, and having a willingness to learn -- and then sprinkle a hefty dose of patience on top.
This is the ONLY mindset that works for midlife fat loss. Be willing to LEARN about your body instead of bullying, hating, or micromanaging it.
2: Hacks don't work for a complex problem.
Crash diets, crazy supplements, and quick fixes won't work for you. They may have seemed to "work" when you were younger, but you are less resilient now, and you need to take better care of yourself.
You are wise enough to know that meaningful change doesn't just happen quickly. You can't just turn one magical dial and have everything you've always wanted. You have worked your butt off for your relationship, your family, your career, your home, and the current lifestyle you have. You know that anything worth having takes some DOING.
This is no different. Reframe this as a more complex problem that needs a more deliberate solution, and you'll have more success.
Midlife fat loss is a more complex problem that needs a little elbow grease.
3: Robust nutrition is the solution.
I swear, if one more woman gets on the phone with me and tells me that "she's trying intermittent fasting lately," and she "doesn't eat till lunchtime, and then it's a salad with a bit of chicken" I will scream.
This is a metabolic truth I need you to know: your body is picking up SIGNALS from you. When you starve all morning and then break fast with a tiny diet meal, your body thinks "Yikes. Times are tough out there."
You will have no luck moving fat out of storage as long as your body thinks you're in a constant famine. Plus, if you have been eating this way for many years or decades (as I did), then your body is well and truly metabolically stuck, and only robust, nourishing meals of supportive food will nudge you out of it.
I'm tired of women eating tiny, light, birdlike meals in an effort to shrink away to bones and skin, and it's absolutely not working for midlife fat loss. It's time to freakin' eat.
Let’s take an intelligent, solutions-oriented approach and get this FIGURED OUT once and for all.