Uncover what’s not working: Use varied questions in one-on-ones, like “If you had a magic wand, what would you change?” or “Where have we let you down in the sales cycle?” to surface actionable feedback.Run radical candor sessions: Gather reps for skip-level feedback on their manager. Facilitate discussions on what the manager should keep, stop, or start doing, and provide actionable feedback to the manager for growth.Stay connected with the team: Conduct regular skip-level meetings, whether quarterly one-on-ones or group discussions, to maintain trust and understand team challenges directly.Lead with strategic priorities: Focus on 2-3 key quarterly initiatives, like improving prospecting systems or revamping coaching processes, to drive long-term business impact beyond daily operations.
VP of Global Sales at PandaDocChief Revenue Officer at SprigChief Revenue Officer at FlowHubVP of Sales, SMB at GlassdoorJoin our weekly newsletterThings you can steal