Tera Wages and Echo Vetter Hill are discussing the realities of emotional awareness, exploring how emotions show up in our bodies and what they’re really telling us. They talk about the link between sensations and feelings, the purpose behind emotions like anger and sadness, and why we often resist our own needs. Together, they look at how facing pain can lead to real growth and how connecting with our emotions can transform relationships and self-understanding. Tera also guides you through the Core Emotion Wheel, giving you a look at a tool for identifying and processing what’s going on beneath the surface.
Book a discovery call for Overwhelm Overhaul: https://calendly.com/tera-wages/30min
To download the Core Emotion Wheel: https://tinyurl.com/rnyne5jf
To enroll in Foundations use the code PODCAST for 20% off: https://tinyurl.com/rnyne5jf
Learn more about becoming a Certified Connection Codes Coach: https://www.connectioncodes.co/certified-coach
Connect with Echo Hill Vetter:
Echo Hill Vetter’s Substack | Letters from Nashville: https://substack.com/@echohillvetter
Echo on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/echohillvetter
Schedule 1:1 Coaching or Group Coaching with Echo: https://calendly.com/echohillvetter
Echo’s LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/echohillvetter
00:00:00 — Start of the journey with Connection Codes
00:00:35 — Discovering needs with Echo Vetter Hill
00:02:42 — Emotions decoded: What do they do?
00:07:16 — Sensations and self-awareness
00:13:02 — Emotions stored in the body
00:19:14 — Differentiating acute and chronic emotional pain
00:27:40 — The surprising strength of anger
00:35:52 — Building connection: The real practice
00:36:35 — Embracing vulnerability with emotion
00:38:30 — Recognizing and managing hurt
00:38:51 — Weighing pain against growth
00:44:38 — Facing sadness and navigating loss
00:47:59 — Loneliness exposed and finding support
00:55:19 — Guilt, shame, and rewriting our actions
00:59:55 — Unlocking the Core Emotion Wheel
01:06:45 — Final reflections and encouragement