After spending her first 40 years in the cultish Evangelical world, picking up many layers of cPTSD from family, religion and marriage. Charlotte is rebuilding her new life as a single mom of five kids (who has stopped homeschooling by the way.... tough decision) Single moms usually work, but in 2020 with complications from long covid she developed brain injuries along with some nervous system damage. She lost the entry level jobs she attempted to work and was unable to keep up with her long-time usual pace. This is a glimpse of her journey. Through an unhealthy marriage (arranged by the church) the leaving her evangelical upbringing (with its magical, mystical promises), She has learned God doesn’t pay your loans for you or stop abuse even if you make a covenant with Him. There is work to be done on your own part to break free of false hopes and lies in order to find your true self.
Today Charlotte carries her message through her very own podcast "Crooked Little Girl"
Take a listen:
Charlotte has been a long time listener of this podcast, It's Not Normal It's Toxic, and has been a member of my online support group for many years.
Her mission is to speak on the spiritual abuse she endured and warn others of falsities within religion where the teachings are... well abusive.