Why are these relationships so confusing?
Why is it so hard to make a decision?
Why do I find myself questioning if I have tried hard enough?
Do you find that you are asking yourself these same questions?
Well, in truth there are a number of reasons as to why these relationships are so confusing, why we leave and go back, and why we question our decisions. In this episode I cover 10 reason why toxic relationships are so confusing. Take a listen and see if you can relate to the same thing within your relationship.
Dr Heidi is dedicated to helping you understand the situation you are in so that some of the confusion can be cleared. To find out more about the services offered follow this link: https://drheiditoxicrelationshipsupportgroups.start.page
Or go to https://coachingwithdrheidi.com/ and take the Toxicity Profile Analysis (TPA) and see if your relationship may indeed be unhealthy for you.