Hannah Hickinbotham is the host of the Full of Beans podcast. She uses her personal, clinical, and educational experience to raise awareness and reduce the stigma associated with eating disorders. In this episode she shares her current experience of a relapse.
In this episode we discuss
Growing up in a family that diets and being modelled an unhealthy relationship with food
Feeling like a failure in recovery
Feeling stuck in relapse
How eating disorders behaviours can escalate
Acceptance as key in recovery
Hierarchy of eating disorders with regards to praise and a fatphobic society
Dealing with comments about weight changes
Finding the motivation to recover
Why the key to recovery is wanting to recover for yourselfDr. Rachel Evans is a psychologist, hypnotherapist and eating disorder survivor. She brings together academic knowledge and theories, therapeutic skills and personal experience for a unique perspective on eating disorder recovery. Rachel helps ambitious women to stop restricting, bingeing and purging. and to feel comfortable in their body.
Hannah Hickinbotham is the host of the Full of Beans podcast. She uses her personal, clinical, and educational experience to raise awareness and reduce the stigma associated with eating disorders. In this episode she shares her current experience of a relapse.