During this episode, Toni Borneo, a late discovered Autistic who is also the host of the "Autistic at 40" podcast shares what she has learned about Persistent Drive for Autonomy (aka Pathological Demand Avoidance).
More specifically we address the following:
Learn how this is a heightened stress reaction to anything that is out of the person's control
There is a strong desire for autonomy over "what, when and how" and being addicted to finding ways to maintain control
Why your partner may say "no" often
Fight, flight, freeze response from threats or "perceived" threats
The impact of "internalized" PDA
Masked PDA and issues around trust
Shame around PDA and secretive or sneaky behavior
Creating a no-judgment zone
The impact on executive function skills
Your body may be in hyperarousal all the time
How to get your autonomy back through equalizing with acts that are safe, boundaried and not damaging to your relationship
Reframing requests and sharing declarative statements, rather than asking questionsYou can follow Toni on IG @autistic_at_40_podcast
You can also listen to her podcast "Autistic at 40" or learn more about her on-line free space at Autisthood.
If you would like to learn more about the resources Mona has available you can check out her website . If you would like to buy the digital version of the Neurodiverse Love Conversation Cards or the Workbook click here.