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Episode 2924:
Drinking soy milk is not only safe but may offer several health benefits, including reducing inflammation, lowering bad cholesterol, and even protecting against certain cancers. Concerns about soy affecting thyroid function or hormone levels are largely unfounded for most people, though those taking thyroid medication should avoid consuming soy around the same time as their dose. If soy milk works well for digestion and fits your lifestyle, there's no reason to avoid it, enjoy it as a nutritious alternative to dairy.
Quotes to ponder:
"Consuming soy milk, tofu, soybeans, and so on is perfectly fine for most folks. It may actually prevent many chronic diseases like certain forms of cancer, and cardiovascular disease, and protect the health of the brain."
"Soy may have these health benefits because it contains compounds called isoflavones, thought to reduce inflammation in the body."
"Consuming soy products does not lead to thyroid problems, but for those that have a diagnosed thyroid condition and are taking medications for it, it is wise to avoid consuming soy-based foods around the same time you take your thyroid meds."
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