Episode 65 - Essential 8 Series (Part 6)
Today we’re chatting about nutrition and its impact on mental health, specifically anxiety, depression. Treat today’s episode sort of like you and I were casually chatting and I said, “Hey, did you know…”
"Did you know that blood sugar regulation (or lack there of) has been linked to anxiety and depression?"
"Did you know your gut is often referred to as your “second brain” and that research shows that emotions play out in your gut and gut issues can create mental health symptoms?"
"Did you know that the quality and quantity of food we eat matter? If you’re under-eating or under-nourishing yourself then you’re likely nutrient deficient and those deficiencies stress out the nervous system contributing to living in survival mode?"
To which, you’d look at me with awe and wonder and reply, “OMG Amanda, I didn’t know that - tell me more?”
Wonderful, that’s the conversation we’re having here - let’s chat through blood sugar, mind-gut connection, and nutrients needs that can impact your mental health.
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So here’s the 3 takeaways:
- Mind-gut connection is well research and established, if your gut flora isn’t healthy then having mental health implication of that makes sense. Especially if you're someone who struggles with IBS, food intolerances, or other digestive related issues as well as anxiety or depression it might be work taking a deeper look at your gut health.
- Blood sugar regulation, or lack of, is directly linked to mood and the likelihood and intensity of anxiety or depression symptoms.
- Both macro and micro nutrients matter, consistently eating too much or too little of the things we need can stress out our system and there are certain micronutrient deficiencies that are been directly linked to symptoms we cluster and label as anxiety or depression
Looking for more personalized support?
- Book a FREE consultation for RESTORE, our 1:1 anxiety & depression coaching program.
- Join me inside RISE, a mental health membership and nervous system healing space.
- Pre-order my new book, Healing Through the Vagus Nerve today!
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