格言:"Success lies in the steps you’re afraid to take."成功藏在你害怕踏出的步伐中。
挑戰問題:"What stories do I tell myself about my limitations, and how can I challenge them?"我對自己的限制講述了哪些故事,我可以如何挑戰它們?
我的回答:I’m currently traveling around the world, hoping to visit 100 countries before I die. However, the stories I sometimes tell myself are: "I might not be able to accomplish my goal of visiting 100 countries" or "Others might see me as a weirdo with an unstable life and nothing significant to show for it."
What I need to do is redefine my concept of success. Success shouldn’t be measured by the number of countries I visit but by the richness of experiences and personal growth I gain along the way. I also need to let go of the fear of how others might judge me. Travel is a deeply personal choice, and I don’t need to prove anything to anyone. By embracing this mindset, I can achieve a sense of inner freedom, enjoying the journey for what it truly is—a fulfillment of my passions and dreams.
我目前正在環遊世界,希望在我死之前能訪問 100 個國家。然而,我有時告訴自己的故事是:「我可能無法實現訪問 100 個國家的目標」或者「別人可能會覺得我是個生活不穩定的怪人,並且沒有值得一提的成就。」
**現在就到 flywithlily.com/2025 學習如何在線上預定一名屬於自己的隨身家教吧!讓我們一起邁向更自由、更充實的國際化生活!🌏✨
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記住,奇蹟發生在不安的地方,而你,值得擁有這些奇蹟! 🌟