What goes around, comes around. Kenny, Bridget, and Elizabeth came to Allies in Recovery as family members looking for help with shifting the dynamic with an addicted Loved One. At the time, rather than recording episodes for the world, they were listening and learning, like you. Listen to them speak about their all-time favorite Coming Up for Air episodes and why they were so impactful.
One Families Speak family member recently referred to Allies in Recovery as “the Bible of Healing Ourselves.” Visit alliesinrecovery.net today and see why.
Here are the episodes referred to by our co-hosts:
Handling Hard Feelings
Don't Let Perfectionism Get In the Way
Progress, Not Perfection
Rupture & Repair
Intention vs. Perception
How Do You Deal with Unknowns and Unlimited Contact?
Interview with Linda Aber 1
Interview with Linda Aber 2
How Do You Negotiate When your LO is coming home?
Reflective Listening, intentional dialogue & improving communication
What are the challenges of Reflective Listening?
How do you get past accumulated trauma?
When Your Loved One is Homeless