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This week's episode is just so wonderful, had I been able to listen to this story when I was in my teenage years or early twenties, I know it would have made a massive difference in helping me feel less alone, and more confident about the challenges I was facing, that so many of us face. Matilda Heindow, you may know her on instagram as Crazy Head Comics, is my wonderful guest. She shares her story of growing up with ADHD, bipolar, anxiety and depression and, after a string of traumatic experiences that nobody should ever have had to endure, let alone endure within one year at the age of 17, she became ill with PTSD. It's hard to listen to at points, but believe me when I say Matilda is so incredibly inspiring, so wise and as she says herself she is now living her best life. She's channelled all of her struggles into the hugely popular Crazy Head Comics account, with well over half a million followers, and her new brilliant book The Art of feeling Better, which is out now.
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Own your anxiety as and when it happens with Owning It: Real Time. The situation specific series of audio guides that helps you move through your most anxious moments. Available now on Acast+ https://plus.acast.com/s/owningittheanxietypodcast.