In this episode we discuss:
Gabrielle Lyon’s protein recommendations, the problems with high-protein diets, and the major cost to her 1:1 protein-to-carb ratio suggestionDr. Boz's take on the drivers of high fasting blood glucose on the carnivore dietWhy Dr. Berg's view of serotonin as the "happy hormone" is unsubstantiated and our thoughts on his recommendations for raising serotoninHow the Glucose Goddess's strategies for blood sugar regulation demonstrate a poor understanding of glucose and insulinWhether obesity is truly caused by genetics and if eating less and exercising more can influence obesity outcomesThe benefits of sunlight and red-light exposureFree Energy Balance Food Guide:
The Nutrition Blueprint:
Danny's Telegram:
1:46 – Gabrielle Lyon promotes bro science: 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight
7:15 – problems with high-protein diets – stress hormones, low testosterone, slowed metabolism, and gut toxins
15:21 – whether studies on Eskimo and Inuit populations support a high-protein diet
16:59 – the problems with Gabrielle Lyon’s recommendation of a 1:1 protein to carbohydrate ratio
23:48 – the minimum amount of carbs we need daily and the consequences of not getting enough
26:56 – Gabrielle Lyon is confused about fats
35:43 – types of fats commonly used in bodybuilding and whether they’re truly optimal
37:37 – Dr Boz’s recommendations for high blood sugar on carnivore and OMAD (one-meal-a-day)
45:59 – the drivers of high fasting blood glucose on low-carb diets
49:38 – whether overeating is really an issue on the carnivore diet and why increased appetite signals improved health
57:28 – whether Dr. Boz's recommendation to shift the eating window earlier has any validity
1:01:33 – Sean Baker’s shift away from the carnivore diet
1:03:31 –Dr Boz denies that the carnivore diet caused increased fasting blood sugar
1:11:16 – why Dr Berg is wrong – serotonin is not the “happy hormone”
1:20:40 – the idea that low serotonin causes depression and high serotonin reverses it is unsupported
1:23:05 – our thoughts on Dr. Berg's recommendations for raising serotonin: exercise, fasting, and tryptophan
1:28:46 – whether vitamin D increases serotonin
1:30:56 – the benefits of sunlight and red-light exposure
1:39:39 –the problems with Glucose Goddess’s strategies to prevent blood glucose spikes
1:49:22 – insulin and blood sugar spikes are misunderstood
1:54:46 – how an excessive focus on blood glucose and insulin misses the underlying issues
1:55:59 – is obesity primarily caused by genetics?
2:01:49 – whether diet and exercise impact obesity rates
2:09:26 – the vital importance of finding fulfillment in life, following our passions, and escaping the grind of the rat race
2:15:12 – what it really takes to be healthy and whether it's possible to improve your health without expensive interventions