本期节目,和来自美国贝勒医学院的遗传咨询师Nhi Ho,一起聊聊如何在美国成为遗传咨询师,及这个行业的现状和未来~
00:51 What is genetic counseling?
04:52 Genetic counseling training programs
07:58 Certification exam
14:32 Requirement to apply for genetic counseling training programs
19:22 Working on research and clinical sides of genetic counseling
21:28 What makes a good genetic counselor
23:29 New technologies and AI in genetic counseling
相关链接清华大学医学遗传咨询硕士(MMGC): https://www.med.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1373/3426.htm
Baylor College of Medicine Genetic Counseling Program:https://www.bcm.edu/education/school-of-health-professions/genetic-counseling-program
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