You are more than what you eat. You are actually a combination of what you eat, assimilate, digest, and eliminate. Today, Holistic Health and Detox coach Meghan Swidler shares her wealth of knowledge about healing, cleansing, and detoxing. We explore how to access the elimination pathways, different types of cleanses, and how to effectively prepare for one. Having an expert guide alongside you throughout the process is deeply important because everyone’s health is unique. I highly recommend working with Meghan on your healing journey, and her latest book, From Deep Within, is a great place to start.
Industrialization changed our bodies and our world in permanent ways. The reality is our environment is toxic and burdening our systems. Our bodies are left trying to detox material that they were never meant to detox, like microplastics and pesticides, and this accumulation of waste is incredibly harmful. Cleansing our bodies has never been a more vital step to combat this and achieve a healthy state. While what we eat is so important to our health, what we eliminate is too. This is where Meghan’s expertise comes in.
Meghan realized she wanted to help others heal their bodies and upgrade their lives after going through her health journey to combat skin issues, fatigue, and more. Meghan shares that there are two stages to preparing the body for colonics and enemas: the awakening and the release. First, you awaken the built-up matter in your system via the food you eat and then release the obstruction that prevents flow. Often, people want to jump straight into a cleanse, but the food you eat in preparation is a key step. Eating more real, whole, unprocessed foods is always the best way to prepare for a cleanse as well as to nourish your body every day.
Some people may find that they are eating super clean but not achieving results. Meghan shares that this may be an indicator of toxic thoughts and a harmful emotional state. Food, movement, sleep, and stress management are the four pills of a healthy life. It's easy to optimize the already good areas, such as food, but not the other weak pillars. The beauty of the cleansing process is that it brings a lot of awareness to the reality of how we are living.
We agree that clearing our vessel is a fantastic way to increase intuition. Too often we try to find external solutions for our health when, in reality, our bodies are self-healing and regenerating under the right conditions. In this episode, Meghan teaches us how to begin creating those right conditions and step into a cleansed state of mind.
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform.
Topics Covered:
- Meghan’s journey from venture capital start-up to Holistic Health and Detoxification Coach
- Colonics are key to healing and a spiritual gateway
- The toxic load is everywhere
- How to prepare the body for colonics and enemas
- Psyllium husk fiber and other fiber detox products
- The role of lymph in cleansing
- Preparing the colon for parasite cleansing and mold detox
- Meghan’s tools for daily cleansing
Resources Mentioned:
- Use ‘THERAINBOPODCAST’ for 15% off at checkout on Rainbo products
- Buy Meghan’s first book, From Within, on Amazon
- Buy Meghan’s second book, From Deep Withi