Are you tired of trying so hard because the changes you make never seem to last?
Most people invest their energy in external problems. They focus on fixing their drinking, eating, relationship, finances or physical health under the false belief that their circumstances and/or habits are holding them back.
But “stuck” is a feeling, not a fact. And your troubles are not the cause of this feeling, they’re the effect.
If you felt free, clear and powerful, you would think and act like someone who feels that way. So the first item on your to-do list is to clear the energetic blockages in your body that are keeping you at a lower vibration and creating resistance to change.
Today I’m talking to Kurtis Lee Thomas, a master life coach certified in NLP (neuro linguistic programing), hypnotherapy, fitness and reiki, who traveled the world in pursuit of his own physical healing– seeing doctors, therapists, specialists, taking various medications and even doing ayahuasca ceremonies in the jungles of Costa Rica.
It wasn’t until he discovered the ancient art of deep diaphragmatic breathing, now known as breathwork, that he experienced profound and permanent transformation.
Breathwork has changed my life as well. This is the one modality that I’d recommend to anyone who is struggling with anything. Because the results are instant.
Instead of thinking your way through problems, you can simply breath your way to the solution. This breathwork technique allows you to release stress, trauma, anxiety and so much more by moving the stagnant energy that’s trapped in your body. It’s like 20 years of therapy in one session without saying a word.
Click here to register for a Kurtis Lee Thomas Breathwork Detox.
Find Kurtis on Instagram @ManFromTheStars
—Click here to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL if you’re ready to fully commit to your personal growth and do the work to get emotionally sober. Side effects include an 80 percent reduction in drinking. You'll walk away from our call with a clear understanding of how to get the skills you need to transform your life.
Click here to get my free PRIVATE podcast on How to Reduce Drinking by 80%.
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–Click here to take the QUIZ: Do you have a drinking problem or a thinking problem?