We've got another Q&A on the agenda!!
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0:00 Introduction + Gratitude
4:18 How can you have a better mindset with improving your physique?
7:00 Do you think everyone is meant to have a big purpose or are some meant to be "average"?
9:55 What area of life makes you feel best right now?
10:34 How do you still accept yourself while having goals you're working towards?
14:01 How to be open to long term relationships as a child of divorce?
20:25 How to stop anxiously overthinking about the future?
24:53 How do we find and grow into our independence and individuality?
28:28 Tips for comparing yourself to others?
35:35 Tips for staying in your power?
40:22 I'm 22 and have never been in a relationship, advice for feeling like something's wrong with me?
43:53 What's your opinion on the fitness community on socials?
46:04 How can I select the right friendships / relationships?
48:21 Can you explain more about your retreats - what to expect and what guests can gain?
54:13 Thoughts on twin flames?
58:24 Can you explain your beliefs of collective consciousness?
1:04 Affirmation and Closing
Affirmation: "I live in the frequency of love, abundance, and gratitude."
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