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If you would like to follow English and Chinese subtitles for this episode, see this episode on YouTube or Spotify
這集中英都有,如果有需要,可以在 Spotify/YouTube 看有字幕的內容!
📺 YouTube: https://youtu.be/LKRJlJJ1NPk
🎧 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0nOFtH2lk6tfnVDpgERD5a?si=6cce8a67a13f4215
這次訪問了很有名的加拿大台灣創作者 Ariel!她在 IG 上出名的內容有86萬的粉絲,讓靈性的學習可以更淺顯易懂!她專門聊如何能量管理,幫助自己在任何場合跟任何人都可以表現出最高頻率的自己!非常榮幸,這是她第一次上中文的 Podcast!
IG: https://www.instagram.com/niu.views/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ArielNiuViews
Website: https://arielniuviews.bio/
Social mastery blueprint (現在有附中文版!): https://bit.ly/EnergyMasteryBlueprint
1:1 coaching with Ariel: https://bit.ly/EnergyCoachingwithArielNiu
(Use code 'JACKYARIEL11' for 11% off!)
電左: https://www.instagram.com/leftsideescalator.jacky/
Jacky: https://www.instagram.com/jackywangadventures/
🫂 電粉自我成長大家庭 Self Growth Together Family
(00:03:09) 開場介紹 / Opening Introduction
(00:08:19) 三個字形容自己 / Three Words to Describe Yourself
(00:09:32) 在自負與自卑的光譜之間 / Between the Spectrum of Pride and Self-doubt
(00:21:28) 如何達到最高頻率的自己? / How to Reach Your Highest Frequency?
(00:29:58) 家庭創傷如何造就高敏感靈性? / How Family Trauma Creates High Spiritual Sensitivity?
(00:38:38) 堅持真相,但給予所有的愛 / Stick to Truth, but Give All Love
(00:42:50) 冥想,讓我自在遊走於光譜兩端 / Meditation, Allowing Me to Move Freely Between Both Ends of the Spectrum
(00:45:51) 你的想像就會產生什麼樣的現實 / What Reality Will Your Imagination Create
(00:52:12) 人生中遇到的種種挫折 / Various Setbacks Encountered in Life
(00:56:34) 改變人生最大的書 / The Book That Changed Life the Most
(01:08:37) 冥想的方法與神奇功效 / Methods and Magical Effects of Meditation
(01:18:45) 精神能量不好的時候,該怎麼辦? / What to Do When Mental Energy is Low?
(01:27:38) 心目中的偶像:特斯拉 / Personal idol: Tesla
(01:30:55) 成功、快樂、愛的定義 / The Definition of Success, Happiness, and Love
(01:42:45) 結語 / Conclusion
《當下的力量/The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment》
《不安的智慧/The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety》
《管他的!/The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck》*
《僧人心態/2Think Like A Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every day》
《與神對話/The Complete Conversations with God》
《臣服實驗/The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life’s Perfection》
《覺醒的你/The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself》