This week, my guest is Linda Robertson. Linda Robertson wrote a short essay that went viral in 2013, Just Because He Breathes, about her own culpability in the death of her gay son Ryan.
Since his death, she has invested years of emotional work to learn from her own mistakes, to figure out how to make meaning from what happened and, most importantly, to repair with herself. After being asked to share her “cautionary tale” at the final conference of Exodus International (the largest “ex-gay” organization in the U.S.), she and her husband were asked to share their story at several organizations for LGBTQ people of faith, as well as churches working to become safer for the queer people in their congregation. She is currently a member of the QChristian Fellowship Board of Directors and leads their Parent Team, as well as a year-round, drop-in virtual group for Christian parents of LGBTQ kids. She has had the great honor of listening to the stories of countless queer kids from Christian homes, who, like her own son, desperately need their parents to set aside their theology and simply focus on listening to, learning from, and reflecting the truly unconditional Love of the Divine to their children.
Linda and her husband of 40 years, Robbie, split their time between Seattle and San Diego – in order to spend time with their beloved five adult children and an utterly delightful grandson. Linda is a nerd who loves books, working out, brain science, child psychology (shout out to Dr. Becky Kennedy and Good Inside), popcorn, going to therapy, and, most of all, connecting deeply with other humans.
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